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Social Media Talks, is a weekly Podcast hosted by Alan Hennessy Head of Digital at Kompass Media. On our weekly show, we interview leading Social Media Influencers, Marketing Business Entrepurers on all aspect of business and explore how Digital Marketing can increase your ROI, plus we also talk about the latest trends and tools for Social Media.

For more information on Kompass Media visit our website at and subscribe to our channel. You can also follow us on twitter @Kompassmedia.

Podcast Channel www.kompassmedia/podcasts

Sep 28, 2018

We are delighted to bring you The Social Media Talks Podcast one year anniversary Podcast with a look back over the last year and the journey we started back in last September. We have had some amazing guest on the Podcast and we have picked out a selection of your favorite interviews as voted by you.

Segments of Interviews with
Ted Rubin
Victoria Taylor
Kami Huyse
Ian Anderson Grey
Joanne Sweeney-Burke
Viveka Von Rosen
Steve Dotto
Trevor Lorkings

My personal talks to all our guests and subscribers and follower it has been an absolute joy creating, recording and producing these wonderful Podcasts and I look forward to bringing you some more fantastic guests over the next year.

Once again thanks so much for all your support and #BeSocial